
101 is a fictional magazine that aim to reexplore the history of video game culture along with the revolution of home console and personal computer by traveling in an imaginary past point of view. (go back in the past 40 years ago and from ther go forward month by month).

To simply review old video game console and program computer is not the main purpose, as 101 is not based on the nostalgy of an ideal past but in contrary to use it as an educational tool to learn how the game culture have evolved and what we can learn when we study it chronologically as a mean to understand what are the foundations of this culture.

Sharing source code is the most important task for 101, each month we will propose fictional disks. The aim is to provide open educational resources for gaming and programming for each person to follow it's own self directed education.

January 1977 is the time we decided to start our magazine, we believe it is the pivotal year for home console and personal computer. Why is that?

Well, something new in the world of video game is happening, since 1972, most of video games are variant of Pong, paddle and ball video games and with the release of the Video Entertainement Console of Fairchild at the end of last year (1976), a new way to see video games came out.

We can play new games directly from home, where before we had mostly the choice between arcade games or a variant of Pong, we now have a console that can load different programmable cartridge games, we will discover this different games each month as they release on the console.

We wanted to open our magazine with Pong as our first Game of the Month. Pong is the first game to open the road to arcade and home console video game. Next month we will award the first Game of the Year for 1976. In the future, we will also have a look to computer games.

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